Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’

You came into my life like an angel,

To rise me up in my time,

You blew away the darkness,

Such is your might.

My heart holds on to you,


I promise I’ll never let go.

I love you my left, I love you my right.

The world is our’s to conquer,

Our flag of love ,

Will reign over kingdoms,

People’s hearts.

The kiss of your lips,

Works as balm on my pain.

One small smile,

Makes my eyes twinkle

Like the stars of the night.

I love you and only you,

Together me and you,

Just you and me

Together forever..!

Jimmy Idnani

Sir Padampat Singhania University, Udaipur

Contest: Relationships? Are they about emotions and compatibility?

in collaboration with Elements, SPSU Udaipur